The official rider list for the 41st running of the AMA Amateur National Championship at Loretta Lynn’s has been released. Alternates have not been announced yet, but we will update this post once they are. Official Roster1. 250 B2. 250 B Limited3. 250 C4. 250 C Limited5. 250 C Jr. (12-17) Limited6. 450 B7. 450 B Limited8. 450 C9. 125 C10. 125 Jr. (12-17) B/C11. Schoolboy 1 (12-17) B/C12. Schoolboy 2 (12-17) B/C13. Open Pro Sport14. 250 Pro Sport15. College (18-24) (Sportsman)16. Junior (25+)17. Vet (30+) (Sportsman)18. Senior (40+)19. Senior (45+) (Sportsman)20. Masters (50+)21. WMX22. Micro-E (4-7) Limited23. Micro 1 (4-6) Shaft Drive Limited24. Micro 2 (4-6) Limited25. Micro 3 (7-8) Limited26. 65cc (7-9) Limited27. 65cc (7-9)28. 65cc (10-11) Limited29. 65cc (10-11)30. 85cc (10-12) Limited31. 85cc (10-12)32. Mini Sr 1 (12-14)33. Mini Sr 2 (13-15)34. Supermini 1 (12-15)35. Supermini 2 (13-16)36. Girls (11-16) Please follow and like us: