Another day of the week, another injury in the opening week of the season. Justin Cooper breaks his foot just days away from the season opener. Maybe the reason Star has 6 riders is so they have more chances at having 2 healthy by the end of the season.
2021 Western Regional AMA 250 Supercross Champion Justin Cooper suffered a broken foot this week, which will not only prevent him from lining up to defend his #1W this Saturday in Anaheim, but also might push him out of supercross for the ’22 season completely
It’s difficult to get a complete timetable on the injury, but sources say it would be unlikely that Cooper would be ready to go even for the Eastern opener, which begins February 19 in Minneapolis.The AMA rulebook indicates Cooper would only have one final year of 250 eligibility to defend his title, and then he would have to move to the 450 class.