KTM, Husqvarna and GasGas will have all new two-strokes for 2023. The biggest change that was hinted at is a move away from TPI (transfer port injection) where the fuel injectors are on each side of the cylinder heading into the transfer ports, the oil is injected in the crank case and the throttle body just modulates air. While the TPI system has its benefits on paper (never having to adjust jetting for elevation or weather changes, not having to premix, greater fuel economy, less oil usage) there have been real world problems from the beginning. Poor mapping, not running clean, having a bit of a hesitation, lacking a hit of power, and just being down on HP in general to names some of the specifics.
TPI up until this point has been only on XC and Enduro models from each brand yet from these photos, that seems to be all about to change. The bike we are looking at is the Husqvarna TC 125 of Max Ernecker in the EMX125 class.