Lucas Mirtl, a prominent figure in the motocross industry, expressed shock and devastation after being blindsided by allegations of financial misconduct, which he adamantly denies. In a heartfelt statement, he revealed he had received termination and legal letters without prior communication or a chance to explain his side. Mirtl called the accusations a smear campaign and criticized the lack of ethical handling in the matter, feeling betrayed by those close to him. He maintained his integrity, highlighting his long-standing contributions to athletes and families in the industry while admitting past mistakes—but firmly denying any wrongdoing in this case.
Lucas Mirtl posted on social media – “I Woke up this morning just like everyone else completely blindsided by what I have read. I haven’t spoke to anyone not my agency or the family I had no idea not even a mention hey what’s up with this. … No one has spoke to me I wasn’t even asked my side of the story I received termination letters and a legal letter. To even think it would be possible to steal money from multiple people login account with partners, accountants and my own agency is an absolutely an insult to my intelligence and the person I have been publicly and privately and the people closest to me know this.
To go public and discredit me before l even knew about this is a complete smere job and attempt to discredit me before I even have had a chance to defend myself or receive a fair trial if in the case I had done something wrong. This is ethically and morally wrong and against any sort of protocol in a case of this nature I will say it is clear I have been betrayed and abandoned by those closest to me and you will see them benefit from what I built from nothing.
There should be some very nervous people on this who better believe they killed me on this because the depths of what goes on and leads to a situation like this needs to and will be told. I am a good man and have done more for family’s and athletes in this industry than anyone else in my position but l have also made more mistakes than anyone else, which I have always owned up to and held myself accountable to but never have I ever crossed any lines or had a history of I don’t know how to get through this right now, Who is still with me and who is against me l really don’t know. I don’t even know how to get through this at this moment or if I can. I hope this situation never happens to any of you all.”