Motocross of Nations! This will only be the 5th time in it’s 75-year history that it happens on American soil, so a lot of U.S. fans may not totally understand it. The other four occasions were Unadilla in 1987, Budds Creek in 2007, Thunder Valley in 2010, and Redbud in 2018. Team USA have won on all occasions apart from Redbud in 2018.
Approximately 38 teams will compete this year. Each team will have a 3-rider team: MXGP (450cc), MX2 (250cc) and OPEN (choice of bikes). Saturday is qualifying, where teams not only earn a place in the final races, but also earn their gate picks for every final moto on Sunday. The first place qualifying team gets gate picks 1 and 21 for the final motos Sunday, second place qualifying team gets gate picks 2 and 22, and so on.
Saturday Race 1: the MXGP (450) class- one rider from each country.
Saturday Race 2: the MX2 (250) class – one rider from each country.
Saturday Race 3: the OPEN class – one rider from each country.
Each country’s three motos are tallied, three First place finishes = 3 points, etc. The top 19 countries advance. That leaves one spot to be filled Sunday morning in the “B Final”, a last chance qualifier.
Sunday Final Moto 1: MXGP and MX2 – each country’s 450 and 250 rider competes.
Sunday Final Moto 2: MX2 and OPEN – each country’s 250 and OPEN rider competes.
Sunday Final Moto 3: MXGP and OPEN – each country’s 450 and OPEN rider competes.
Tally the results using 1 point for first, 2 for second, etc., and throw out each team’s worst of six finishes, and the lowest point team wins! With the throwaway finish, you never know who’s going to win until the last laps of the final race.

MXON full race replays!!