AmPro Yamaha Zach Osborne, who came out of retirement after hanging it up at the end of the 2021 motocross season due to a back injury, went full-time racing GNCC in 2023, today Zach Osborne posted on social media that he had a tip over on Monday and broke his elbow..

Osborne on IG post – Gutted would be a massive understatement. I had a tip over on Monday and put my arm out to stop my fall and caught my elbow just right breaking it. I had a successful surgery yesterday with @orthodawgsc and I’m back home and on the mend. After a training camp where I never put a single foot wrong or made mistakes this is a huge blow for me mentally. I’ve had so much fun riding the woods and learning new things with my teammates and I felt so prepared for what is to come. It’s the nature of the beast and everything happens for a reason. I’ll be back as soon as I can but for now I’m going to sign off for a bit and spend some time focusing on healing and my family.