Lucas Mirtl is frustrated over a public attack on his reputation, focusing on the real issue: the manipulation of his contract and the financial loss caused by his abrupt departure from Wasserman. He’s upset with how the public narrative has been shaped but remains determined to fight for the truth, his clients, and his career. With support from the Lawrence brothers, Mirtl is set on reclaiming his position, despite the emotional pain and betrayal he feels.
Lucas Mirtl posted on social media – “After yesterdays ambush and public hanging On the accusation not conviction or ability to defend myself. The true crime taken place here isn’t an accusation rather the reality and true embezzlement. I had an employment agreement with millions of dollars guaranteed over the next 5 years with Wasserman.
Without any knowledge or the ability to defend myself I woke up to a complete nightmare playing out in real time and in the public.
Now don’t look away
This is by design anything I am saying now is discredited I have been there and seen this play everyone has. Everyone reading this is swayed because it’s always first to press controls the narrative I was at Wasserman 11 years.
Here is what this was all about.
What was really pulled off here they got out of my deal. Yesterday they “inherited” 1.7 million in contracted revenue per year without my salary to pay against it. Boom and the guy we took it offf is being called thief online genius move right. Make sure you say congrats to travis and Jacob this weekend or when you see them at the races. I at least hope the lawrence’s cut themselves a new deal with them.
I am not looking for sympathy I have fought this same battle for athletes and family’s my entire career.
Yesterday I mourned but today I will FIGHT, I will fight for my son, fight for the ones I love, fight for the truth, and fight to get my clients back and to get back to where I am the most effective.
To everyone who reached out thank you to everyone who turned there back on me I am sorry you felt that was best and to those who enjoyed yesterday FUCK YOU
“Yeah I know I have the worst punctuation ever that’s a crime I should be convicted on I get it”